Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Business studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business studies - Essay Example As an employer, Mark Quinn looks almost ideal as he does not blast the careless carpenter with expletives for ruining a certain angle in the drawer. In short, RAFT has a working advantage over its competitors. It assumes a humble attitude to business building and not only showcases it in its marketing and human resource management departments, but extends it to the accounting and finance department. RAFT has efficiently attained the balance between attending to challenges in its external environment and conjuring new ideas to create profit. It is important to understand the new business model and ideology to be able to frame the case completely. On undertaking a SWOT analysis of the case, we shall agree with what Mark Quinn has to say. The human resource management department has a couple of interesting strengths like skilled employee base and focused staff who do their work diligently and ensure that orders are churned out at sustainable speeds. The performance can be enhanced in terms of quality and speed through subsequent training. The accounting and finance department would do well with more ecommerce and franchisee centers, although it has been able to tide over the aftermath of Recession and enjoy steady annual profit. The marketing of the brand is sturdy, with a conviction in design and a negation of existing flaws. Its green marketing initiative supercedes its societal marketing initiative in a subtle way. There is also the evergreen scope of improving and creating new product designs using better ideas. But i s this enough? While everything looks so picture perfect, parts of the business that need strengthening are the design, skill, and sustainability aspects. The designs can definitely be much better since customers are likely to tire out of the rugged finish of recycled teak in repeating product cycles, when they find them in stores in the same design over and over again. Designing new models, therefore, is a challenge that

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